FEI as one of the implementers of Cluster4Green Promoting innovative clusters and value chain of SMEs for sustainable development project, has conducted the third physical round of training on innovative and sustainable business models during 26-28 July, 2023 in Alexandria. The notion of the third round was focusing on the problem and mapping product lifecycle ins and outs, identifying circular opportunities and apply circular opportunities through which the SMEs and facilitators were encouraged to dive deep to understand the E Tool spotting inefficiencies and losses in the value chain and focus on those that are more aligned with main challenges and on the particle side engage the technical dep but also high management roles to transform value chain to bridge between the focus on the problem and the focus on solution. So far, the SMEs can start releasing creative mind to look for solutions The audience defined the circularity proposal, applying circular business model, then circular prototyping and validation by applying main strategies to redesign for circular economy to maximum recovery of each step value of the life cycle to cascade from just idea to circular solution.